• Posted on: 2/04/2024
  • Less than a minute to read
  • Tagged with: Network Eco Members

The draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024 sets out sets out the Government’s proposed strategy on land transport, including what transport initiatives it intends to fund and how. The PSA made a submission on the draft GPS because of requests from members who felt strongly that the proposed GPS was encouraging poor transport outcomes.

 In our submission we called for:

  • greater use of evidence-based decision making
  • less over-reach by ministers into operational decisions that should be made by local councils and/or transport officials
  • a broader view of the things that contribute to economic well-being, including health, safety, emission reduction and resilience
  • a greater focus on alternatives to private vehicle use that achieve better outcomes for people and better value for money, like public transport, walking and cycling.

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