Members of the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi from across Te Tau Ihu (Top of the South) have ratified the first Multi-Employer Collective Agreement (MECA) in the local government sector.
"The agreement marks a new direction for our members at Tasman, Marlborough and Nelson City Councils who have said they expect more from their employers and saw the best way of achieving this by coming together to form a MECA," said PSA Organiser Ian Hoffmann.
The first MECA saw increased coverage at two of the Councils, a move towards greater transparency of roles and pay rates, an increased member only benefit and an increase on all rates on the pay spine ranging from 5 to 9.2%.
"It’s a new day at the council and in the local government sector. It’s been so exciting to watch our members advocating alongside staff at the other councils and we’ve seen that we’re stronger when we stand together," said Michael Ogden, PSA delegate and Geospatial Analyst at Nelson City Council.
"While we didn’t achieve all we set out to, it’s a critically important first step for us, and our members know there’s lots more work ahead," said Angela Holland, delegate and Cataloguing Librarian at Tasman District Council.
PSA Members at the three councils adopted the theme of "Ducks Fly Together" to signify their unity.
"Throughout negotiations we flew together. The status quo was not adequate and the MECA approach really did fit the bill," added Michelle Watts, delegate and Library Assistant/Customer Service Officer at Marlborough District Council.
The PSA and the three councils will be back in negotiations for a second MECA in 2023.