
The following is our list of PSA networks:

Members only: Click on the network title to open the network page. Login is required to access network pages.

  • Eco Network
    For members interested in building union activity around climate change and other environmental issues in their workplaces and beyond.
  • Deaf & Disabled Network
    To enable PSA members who are Deaf or Disabled to come together and discuss their issues, and to develop a plan of activities that supports the promoting the interests of Deaf and Disabled people within the PSA
    The network for PSA members who identify as non-binary, gay, lesbian, intersex, transgender, takataapui, fa'afafine or bisexual
  • Pasefika Network
    To encourage the involvement of Pacific Island peoples in union activities and decisions. All members who identify as Pasefika are automatically part of the Pasefika Network.
  • PSA Youth
    All PSA members aged 35 and under are automatically part of the PSA Youth network.
  • Social Workers Action Network
    A forum for social work members to come together and organise around the issues facing our community
  • Women's Network
    To promote the interests of women within the PSA, facilitate the sharing of information and experiences and encourage and support women’s participation in PSA representative structures at all levels.
  • ALMA
    A new informal network to represent Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American and African members of the PSA.

To join a PSA network

To join or leave a PSA network contact

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