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January 14, 2025

At 33, Virgil (Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Whātua, Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu) is one of the organisation’s youngest ever presidents. The Bay of Plenty based senior applications specialist at Te Whatu Ora steps into the top job after two years as PSA Vice President and Teina of Te Rūnanga o Ngā Toa Āwhina.

You started your union journey at 17. How did it come about?

At 17 my mother said “if you’re not going to go to school, get a job”. So that’s what I did, as a hospital cleaner. I started out in the Service and Food Workers union, then I was volun-told to become a nighttime delegate working the night shift. When I started working in Te Whatu Ora IT, I joined the PSA because I wanted to participate in union democracy, representation and advocacy.

Have you always worked in the health sector?

The health sector is so special, and suited to the type of person I am. I’m empathetic and generally like to help people be at their best. I was meant to be a nurse, but didn’t quite get there! I did take a bit of time out to study and teach technology/IT, which comes in handy today.

What does the future of the PSA look like to you?

It’s about navigating PSA through the next stages. For me, one is the PSA as a modern influential union. We need to engage with our membership too. We also need to identify and mentor our future leaders and if I can play a role in that, I will. And recruiting. I’m up for that!

What are some challenges and opportunities facing the PSA right now?

Our challenge is the coalition Government and their constant attacks, the public service cuts, not knowing what our budgets are and who’s going to be around after that. For opportunities, if we see a bit more campaigning and offering an alternative, that view will put us in a good space. It’s about being present, being heard, being seen, and getting amongst allies too.

What do you like to do in your downtime?

In my downtime I usually like to disconnect. I go back to where my father is from, Te Urewera, where there is no cell phone coverage. You can just be one with nature and be amongst the whenua my ancestors and tīpuna are from. I’m quite a spiritual person so I do feel that connectedness to where dad’s from.

Finally, what’s your message to PSA members?

An acknowledgement for the tireless work you do to support Aotearoa, particularly in the current environment. I wanted to say a very big thank you for everything you do for and on behalf of the PSA.

Quick fire questions:

Mince pie/Sausage roll




All Blacks/Black Ferns





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