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May 12, 2022

The Marlene Pitman Award was created in honour of PSA delegate Marlene Pitman – who passed away on January 16 2010 – to recognise her 25-years of membership and dedicated service to the PSA.

Marlene was a veteran PSA delegate of 23 years, a convener of the social services sector committee, an activist at Child, Youth and Family, and a hardworking member of Te Komiti o Te Rūnanga o Ngā Toa Āwhina.

Today this award not only honours Marlene’s contribution to the union but also provides an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the success of Māori PSA delegates who provide outstanding service to Māori.

Those who receive this award will have shown outstanding leadership, above and beyond the duties expected of their role.

For example:

  • Rangatiratanga – empowering Māori leadership
  • Whanaungatanga – developing workplaces that meet the needs of Māori – both as individuals and collectively – providing a specifically Māori voice in high-engagement processes
  • Kaitiakitanga – leading work that secures specific working conditions and cultural identity for Māori in the workplace
  • Manaakitanga – leading work that promotes health and wellbeing for Māori in the workplace.
  • Wairuatanga – promoting the rights of Māori to be Māori in the workplace
  • Whakahiato Umanga – promoting Māori career development
  • Whakamana –growing Māori membership within the workplace
  • Kotahitanga – building solidarity and unity among Māori members and between Māori and the wider PSA membership.

Nominations can be completed by filling out and returning the form below or via the PSA website. It is important to note when filling out the nomination form that the criteria required is clearly stated in your nomination form.

Any events or actions your nominee has taken part in should be reasonably current, but in some cases historical recognition will apply. A delegate may receive the award more than once.

You can submit your nominations here.

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