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Life and Disability Plans

HealthCarePlus has partnered with Monument Insurance to provide you with access to a nationwide team of financial advisers who can provide you with personalised advice about which of Life or Disability plans are best suited to your needs.

Exclusive PSA Offer:
Exclusive HealthCarePlus Offer for PSA members

If you arrange life insurance through a Monument financial adviser you'll get a 10% discount for the life of the policy (not just the first year).

Want to talk to an adviser?

They are experts who can discuss your specific needs and provide an honest assessment of whether life insurance is suitable for you. They also have access to top New Zealand life insurance providers to recommend the best plans for you.

CTA to book an appointment

Most people with dependents need some life insurance – just in case the unthinkable happens. At a minimum, life insurance should cover your debts, funeral expenses, full repayment of your mortgage (including any early-repayment fee), and your family's immediate living costs.

It provides peace of mind knowing you’ve given your family financial protection for the future by providing them with a lump sum or monthly payment if you pass away.

At HealthCarePlus, we have a partnership with Monument Insurance who have been our appointed business partner since the early 1990’s to provide financial advice to our union members on Life and Disability plans.

For more information

Just want an estimate?

If you are not ready to talk with an adviser, then check out our estimate tool. In less than a minute and just a few simple questions you can get a range of premium costs from most of New Zealand’s major insurance providers across a number of cover options.

Get an estimate here

Want to know more about Life Insurance?

If there are people who depend on you financially, you need life insurance

In this Guide, we will break down the complexity of life insurance, when and why you need it, the different premium structures you can choose and just make it easier to make the right decisions when it comes to protecting your loved ones' future financial security if you're gone.

Learn more

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