
Our purpose

The purpose of the PSA Eco Network is to build union organisation to improve workplace sustainability, and campaign for environmental justice and action on climate change.

As a member-led virtual network, we are here to help promote ideas, support member-led activities, and tap into the expertise of the PSA membership on environmental issues.

We want to:

Promote the shift to more environmentally sustainable workplaces

Educate members and the public about the connections between environmental quality, economic health and social justice

Show leadership on workplace sustainability

Build union organisation.

Become an Eco Rep!

If you choose to become an Eco-rep, you'll perform the vital function of building the Eco Network’s influence in your workplace. Through your role, the members’ voices will be heard and thereby enabling them to be involved in workplace decisions.

Eco-reps will build relationships with members, delegates and management and will actively recruit new members to the network. You will meet monthly with the convenors and will have the opportunity to contribute to regular communications and workshops.

We’re very open to new ideas about how this role can be most effectively utilised, so please get involved and let us know what you’d like to do.

To become an Eco Rep, email

Eco Network
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