Posted on:  
December 1, 2021
minutes to read

Claim Wai 2864 calls on the Crown to address inequities in employment suffered by wāhine Māori.

It was officially registered in January 2019 by the Tribunal, as part of its Mana Wāhine Kaupapa Inquiry.

The claim raises treaty breaches that have relegated generations of wāhine Māori to low paid jobs with vulnerable work conditions.

These include the Crown’s failure to provide education that adequately prepares wāhine Māori for employment, and to eliminate bias and discrimination in the workplace.

The claim was lodged on behalf of the PSA Rūnanga by Georgina Kerr, Llani Harding and Paula Davis.  DHB Sector Māngai Allan Franks became a claimant in 2021.

A survey of PSA wāhine Māori members was conducted in 2019 to gather evidence for the claim. This revealed disturbing levels of bias, racism and discrimination in the workplace and has led to the launch of a Mana Wahine campaign to call it out.

A series of tūāpapa hearings began in 2021 to set the pou or foundations for the Mana Wahine Kaupapa Inquiry.

From left: Georgina Kerr, Llani Harding and Paula Davis.

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