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February 26, 2025
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PSAAssistant Secretary Fleur Fitzsimons has been appointed as a National Secretaryof the country’s largest union, PSA President Virgil Iraia says.

PublicService Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi is led by two NationalSecretaries and Fleur will join National Secretary Duane Leo as co-leader ofthe union.

To ensurecontinuity the PSA has appointed Fleur ahead of National Secretary KerryDavies’ retirement later in year. Kerry has spent 40 years working for theunion movement, mainly with the PSA, and has been National Secretary for sixyears.

Virgilsays the PSA was pleased that a candidate of Fleur’s ability had stepped up toreplace Kerry, whose experience and leadership had been vital to the work ofthe PSA.

"Kerryhas done an outstanding job for the PSA, and we were looking for a strong andable candidate to step into the senior leadership role at a time when memberswere facing a hostile political and economic environment.

"Fleurwill bring her considerable experience and skills to this role. Her skills willhelp us keep advocating for properly funded public and state services, healthcare, local government and community services, and for recognition of theimportance of the work of our members who deliver these," Virgil says.

Fleur has20 years’ experience working for the PSA as an organiser, media adviser,solicitor, Assistant Secretary, and most recently as an Acting NationalSecretary.

She alsoserved as a Wellington City Councillor for five years, and is a formerPresident of the Victoria and New Zealand University students’ associations.

"Wehave a lot of work to do in response to the Government’s attacks on public,community and health services. I am looking forward to the challenge"Fleur says.

The PSAis the union of 95,000 members, working in the Public Service, State Sector,Health, Local Government and Community and Public Services.


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