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December 16, 2024
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WorkSafe staff will take to the street Tuesday morning to picket against the organisation’s axing of 54 further roles.

WorkSafe, Aotearoa’s workplace health and safety regulator, announced the cuts last week, including the disestablishment of the health team, who work to prevent health-related harm and deaths in our workplaces.

The latest round of job cuts follows 113 roles being axed in November 2023. It brings the total WorkSafe job losses to nearly 170 in the last 12 months.

"WorkSafe is taking the ‘health’ out of ‘health and safety’," Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi Acting National Secretary Fleur Fitzsimons says.

"This is a huge worry for all workers who deserve to come home safe and not be exposed to risks to their health and safety in the workplace.

"Like all community and public services, the impact of job cuts extends far beyond the walls of an office. Every year, 750-900 workers die of ‘chronic harm’, or health issues caused by work.

"Without the health team, the prevention of health-related harm and death at work becomes less of a priority - having untold consequences for workers across sectors.

"With every role axed, another worker, or their family, is left longer without care, justice or redress for harm or death on the job."

Picket Details

Date: Tuesday 17 December

Time: 8.30am

Location: Old Bank Arcade Corner, Customhouse Quay, Lambton Quay and Willis St, Wellington.  


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